English | Romanic | Pronunciation |
Hello | Allegra | Allegra |
Bye | A revair | A rewair |
Good day | Bun di | Bun di |
Good evening | Buna saira | Buna saira |
Good night | Buna not | Buna not |
Have a nice holiday | Bellas vacanzas | Bellas wagganzas |
Thank you | Grazcha fich | Grazia fitsch |
Have a good journey | Bun viadi | Bun wiadi |
How are you? | Co vaja? | Go waja? |
I’m fine | I va bain | I wa bain |
The spa | Il bogn | Il boñ |
The apartment | L’abitaziun | Labitaziun |
The butcher | La bacharia | La batscharia |
The bank | La banca | La banca |
The shop | La butia | La butia |
The bakery | La furnaria | La furnaria |
The garage | La garascha | La garascha |
The post office | La posta | La poschta |
The hospital | L’ospidal | Loschpidal |
The restaurant | L’ustaria | Luschtaria |
The street | La via | La wia |
Yes | Schi / Hai | Schi / Hai |
No | Na | Na |
Sorry / Pardon | S-chüsa | Sch-tschüsa |
Monday | Lündeschdi | Lündeschdi |
Tuesday | Mardi | Mardi |
Wednesday | Marcurdi | Marcurdi |
Thursday | Gövgia | Dschöwdscha |
Friday | Venderdi | Wenderdi |
Saturday | Sonda | Sonda |
Sunday | Dumengia | Dumendscha |
January | Schner | Schnär |
February | Favrer | Favrär |
March | Marz | Marz |
April | Avrigl | Awril |
May | Mai | Mai |
June | Gün | Dschün |
July | Lügl | Lügl |
August | Avuost | Avuoscht |
September | Settember | Settember |
October | October | October |
November | November | Nowember |
December | Dezember | Dezember |
The snow | La naiv | La naiv |
The sun | Il sulai | Il sulai |
The forest | Il god | Il god |
The mountain | La muntogna | La muntoña |
Hiking | Ir a spass | Ir a schpass |
Horseback riding | Ir a sella | Ir a sella |
Cycling | Ir cul velo | Ir cul welo |
Skiing | Ir culs skis | Ir culs schkis |
Sledging | Ir culla schlittra | Ir culla schlittra |
The train | Il tren | Il tren |
The bus | Il bus | Il bus |
The car | L’auto | Lauto |
The bycicle | Il velo | Il welo |
One | Ün | Ün |
Two | Duos | Dus |
Three | Trais | Trais |
Four | Quatter | Quatter |
Five | Tschinch | Tschintsch |
Six | Ses | Ses |
Seven | Set | Sät |
Eight | Ot | Ot |
Nine | Nouv | Now |
Ten | Desch | Desch |